Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi Wiki
Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi Wiki

Kou Yukina (雪名 皇, Yukina Kou) is a main character in the Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi series. He is in a relationship with Shouta Kisa.


Kou has light brown hair with similarly colored eyes, along with various piercings in his ears; four piercings on his left ear and one on his right. When working at Marimo Books, he wears the standard uniform, which consists of a white collar long sleeve shirt, regular pants and a blue apron designed with charms and a name tag.

Outside of work, he is usually seen wearing a solid-colored, long-sleeved shirt and a beanie hat. Kou's main jacket is a long green overcoat with a fur-lined hood. When he is painting in his university, he wears a one-piece jump suit that is heavily stained in dry paint due to the messy activity. When Kou is home or cooking, he ties his hair into a ponytail and wears barrette clips to hold his hair back.


Shouta Kisa[]


Yukina hugging Kisa in the manga.

Kisa is Kou's current lover and they both met in Marimo Books where Kisa had Kou as his cashier and became attracted to him due to his handsome looks. When Kisa began regularly visiting the store to watch him from afar, Kou had been aware of it the entire time and simply figured that Kisa was a high school boy with a crush on him. Kou admitted how he did not find the action at all odd or strange, given that quite a few girls did the same thing. It wasn't until after Takafumi Yokozawa came to talk to the manager that they were finally formally introduced.

After work, Kou goes to a cafe and finds Kisa sitting by himself in the corner. He goes over to greet him and they fall into a discussion about the books he edited - getting to know each other better. As the conversation carries on, Kou learns that Kisa wasn't as young as he originally thought, shocking him given Kisa's young looks. When their conversation shifts over to the books that Kisa has edited, Kou decides to build a display to help promote the book. As Kou draws up the rough sketch, he notices that Kisa has gone quiet. As he looks at him, Kou takes note of Kisa's cute face and "loses control". He stands up and, using the note pad he was drawing on to hide them from sight, kisses a stunned Kisa.


The next day, when he is leaving work, he notices that Kisa and a man he saw a few days prior arguing outside the store. He manages to scare the guy away and, after this, they head to Kou's house where Kou finds out that Kisa edits his favorite manga. He then confesses his feelings for Kisa, also revealing that he has been aware of his regular trips to the store to simply watch him, much to Kisa's embarrassment. After some brief time, Kisa decides to give Kou a chance and they enter a relationship.

The two's main obstacles often root from Kisa's deep insecurity, especially in regards to their age difference and Kou's popularity - knowing how he could easily have any person he wants. However, Kou always openly declares his love to be for Kisa and assures him that it is him that he wants regardless of anything else the world has to offer him. While Kisa at times still doubts Kou's love for him, Kou has shown to be very passionate about Kisa. He absolutely hates the idea of Kou having a possible attraction towards anyone else or the other way around, sometimes showing a jealous side as he loves him dearly.

His love is strongly demonstrated when Kisa breaks up with him over the phone following a misunderstanding. Intent on clearing things up between them, he went straight to Kisa's apartment following the phone call to demand an answer from him. When he instead catches Kisa on the verge of kissing Ichimura, he yells Kisa's name in a clear fury before going up and angrily slapping him. Once alone inside the apartment, he reveals how he always understood Kisa's intense work schedule and didn't want to be a burden by asking more of him after he would come home from work always exhausted. He admits that he does deeply wish to spend time together, but he wants to think of Kisa's personal time and energy first.

However, Kisa still insisted on a break up since he believed that they were basically strangers and didn't know much about each other. In response, Kou becomes passionate in an immediate refusal to accept a break up without a good reason. He then learns about Kisa's deep insecurities about him finding someone "young, beautiful and cute" and leaving him behind and their lack of knowledge about each other. Kou answers to this that he will pick the person he wants as a romantic partner before he spouts off various random details about himself to help Kisa know about him better.

He admits that, while he knows that Kisa slept around a lot in the past, as long as Kisa "only looks at [him]" from there on out then he is accepting of it. (However, in the manga, Kisa's promiscuous history is shown to bother Kou to a considerable degree. But he does try to reasonably handle it.) They make up after this, with Kisa attempting to feel more confident about himself and their relationship.

Rio Kojima[]

Rio is one of Kou's closest friends from the university who is apart of the fashion department and she has blackmailed Kou into modeling for her during a school festival on one occasion. She helped Kou learn how to cook, which lead to Kou making meals for Kisa and it isn't known whether Rio is aware of Kou's relationship with Kisa or that she is one of the reasons why Kisa and Kou have had rough patches in their relationship.

Since the two are clearly close, Kisa frequently finds himself jealous over Rio's friendship with Kou. However, Kou insists that they are strictly platonic. In the Manga, he reveals that the two had once tried dating, but it ended in a mutual break up and opted for a simple but strong friendship and this appears to not hinder their friendship whatsoever.

Mikado Yukina[]

Brother 01

Mikado Yukina

Mikado is the older brother of Kou. Kou has always been compared to his older brother because Mikado is a firefighter and always does what people expected from him. Because of this, it made Kou have complex feelings towards him and Mikado worries that Kou will never be a successful artist, but Shouta Kisa changed his mind and now Mikado believes in Kou and approves Kou and Shouta's relationship.

Yokozawa and Yukina

Takafumi Yokozawa

They have a friendly relationship with Yokozawa often asking him how school is going when he comes by the store. Even going out with him for drinks once along with a few others. Yukina looks up to Yokozawa and trusts his opinion. In fact, it was Yokozwa who told Yukina about how all of us favorite manga was edited by Kisa.


  • His name Kou means "emperor" (皇).
  • Kou's surname Yukina means "snow" (雪) (yuki) and "name" (名) (na).
  • Kou is a fourth-year university student, studying in Touto University of the Arts, and majors in oil painting.
  • Kou likes all kinds of food.
  • Kou's good points are that he is proactive and optimistic, but his weak points are that he is very stubborn.
  • Kou's favorite artists are Klimt (known for The Kiss),Vermeer (known for Girl With The Pearl Earring) , Sargent (known for Portrait of Madame X), Hammershøi (known for Ida Reading A Letter), and Waterhouse (known for The Lady of Shalott).
  • Kou's hobbies include drawing, reading and visiting museums.
  • Kou has an older brother who has been mentioned once unnamed in the anime and his name is revealed when he appears in the manga in Volume 9.
  • Kou's zodiac sign is Virgo.
  • Kou's blood type is A.
  • Kou is originally from Sapporo, Hokkaido.
  • Kou's shoe size is 27.5 cm.
  • Kou's pairing with Shouta Kisa is referred to "Erotica" by the fans, referring to their beliefs of them doing very erotic things and them being erotic as well.
  • Kou is very popular among girls. Due to being aware of his influence on girls, he uses this as a tactic to sell his favorite manga series with relative ease.
  • Kou has told Kisa's brother that he doesn't flirt with girls intentionally, which isn't true since he uses flirting as an effective tactic to sell books ,it may have implied he had a promiscuous past although it was never revealed.


Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi characters
Character icon Ritsu
Character icon Takano
Character icon Chiaki
Character icon Hatori
Character icon Kisa
Character icon Yukina
Character icon Yokozawa
Character icon Kirishima
Masamune Takano Chiaki Yoshino Yoshiyuki Hatori Shouta
Takafumi Yokozawa Zen

Marukawa employees Kanade MinoRyuichiro IsakaKaoru AsahinaSasakiKazuma HenmiYasuda GouSanae HoshinoHasegawaHanaiKurusuTinkle
Mangaka Yuu YanaseYukina MutouNanako SaitouErika IchinoseIori SatouKaitouAoi Fujishiro
Friends and family SaekiAn KohinataChinatsu YoshinoYoriko YoshinoRio KojimaNao KiyomiyaHiyori KirishimaRitsu's motherRitsu's fatherKotoko TakanoTakano's grandmotherMikado YukinaYamatoSorata
Other Arata HaitaniYoshinori TezukaKensuke SaigusaTakuya KusagawaRyouichi SumiAkihiko UsamiIokawaRyouko OosakiKayamaIchimuraKisa's one-night-standProfessor YamadaShinta AmemiyaHaruto Yakumo
